

Community and collaboration are two of the fundamental building blocks that make Orchard Avenue Elementary a school with vision and opportunity. The partnerships the school forms with businesses, business leaders, government, and educators ensure that our students view the world with a broad, forward looking perspective.

Promoting and nurturing community and industry partners is key to our success as educators in today's world. It is fundamental to developing students who view the world through a lens of civic responsibility.

One example of a current and ongoing partnership is our work with EUREKA! our local math and science center now located on the campus of Colorado Mesa University. A STEAM instructor from EUREKA! will be teaching science lessons to support our science standards. Their team is also providing our after school STEM Club on Wednesdays.

"I can't believe third graders can ask questions and think about this concept at this level." local rancher, 2018

"This was impressive and inspiring. What wonderful work." panel member for 5th grade PBL, 2018

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